PEA Foundersabout us

Founded on 26 May 1978, the Psychic Entertainers Association is an international organization of about 200 members with a serious and vested interest in the ethical performance of psychic entertainment.

A performers' haven
  for over  4 6  years

Its membership is comprised of many of the world's top mentalists, bizarrists, hypnotists, readers, allied artists, and scholars of these arts; it includes full-time, part-time, and retired entertainers.

Many wonderful members have enriched the ranks of the P.E.A. over the decades. Some of the more notable ones who've shuffled off this mortal coil include David Alexander, Tony Andruzzi (aka Tom Palmer, Masklyn ye Mage), Simon Aronson, Larry Becker, Tony Binarelli, C.L. Boardé (aka Warren Schoonmaker), Borodin (aka Ulf Bolling), Russ Burgess, Bob Cassidy, Dick Christian, Tim Conover, Tony Corinda, Jack Dean, Robin DeWitt (aka Kardor), Art Emerson, Roger Ferriby, Ed Fowler (aka E. Raymond Carlyle), Jorge Garcia (aka The Jack), Gene Grant (aka Phantini), Ray Grismer, Bob Haines, Carl Herron (aka Brother Shadow), David Hoy, Bascom Jones, Ted Karmilovich (aka Ted St. James), Ford Kross (aka Sandy Kross), Dave Lederman, Ted Lesley, Al Mann, Dennis Marks, Ron Martin, Max Maven (aka Phil Goldstein), Leslie May, Ormond McGill, Roy Miller, Gene Nielsen, Terry Nosek (aka Dr. Sigmund Fraud), Charles Pecor (aka Picard), Punx (aka Ludwig Hanemann), Tony Raven (aka Bob Lynn), Tony Razzano, Charles Reynolds, Barrie Richardson, Ned Rutledge, Roni Shachnaey, Ron & Nancy Spencer, Allen Swift, Bill Tadlock, Jack Kent Tillar, Marcello Truzzi, Tommy & Liz Tucker, Irv Weiner (aka Mr. Fingers), and Joe White (aka Micro).

[note: P.E.A. policy prohibits confirmation
of membership status for living persons.]

The P.E.A.'s organizational perspective is well summarized in the following remarks by Joe Curcillo
(Association President, 2009–2012, 2021–2024):

Looking for entertainment that's a bit different?  ::  Interested in applying for membership?